Description: Comprised of 5th grade parent volunteers who will plan fundraising and designated activities (end of year picnic, Northwood tour, class legacy project/fundraiser) for the 5th Grade class.
5th Grade CO-CHAIRS - [FILLED]
Description: Oversee the ordering, tracking and distribution of Wayne Thomas birthday yard signs.
Birthday Sign CHAIR - [FILLED]
Description: Coordinate the annual book fair including event setup, purchasing and placing orders with vendor, working the cash register and recruiting volunteers to work the event.
Book Fair CHAIR - [FILLED] - Committee members needed
Description: Working in tandem with the front office and utilizing supplies provided by the school, assist in the design and execution of decorating the school main bulletin board. The board is changed monthly and will follow a theme as directed by our administration. (Ex: September = Back to School/Getting to know you, Feb = iRead Challenge, April = Military Child Month, etc.)
Bulletin Board CHAIR - [FILLED] - Committee members needed
Description: Coordinate dining event fundraisers and experiences with local restaurants in which a portion of proceeds are returned back to the PTO.
Dine & Donate CO-CHAIRS - [FILLED]
Description: Under the direction of the PTO Board, help coordinate PTO family events and fundraisers including Back to School, Fall Family Fest, Trunk or Treat, Bingo Night, Parents Night Out, and Movie Night.
EVENT CHAIRS - [FILLED] - Committee members needed.
Select all that apply:
Use the text box to share any additional ideas you may have for events or other event assistance you'd like to provide.
Description: WT partners with Lunch Solutions to manage our hot lunch restaurant program. The Food Days committee will work closely with Lunch Solutions to plan the restaurant partnership schedule and oversee daily parent volunteers in the lunchroom.
Description: Execute school-wide and external fundraisers to engage student/community participation, secure advertising from local vendors for the PTO website, and support efforts for other fundraising opportunities. (Ex: securing sponsorships from local businesses, executing internal Coin Challenge fundraiser, etc.)
Description: Assist in ongoing efforts to reduce our carbon footprint including, but not limited to, the following programs:
- School-wide plastic bag recycling initiative with Trex Recycling
- Newly launched composting program
GREEN INITIATIVES CHAIR - [FILLED] - Committee members needed
Description: Maintain (water, prune, plant, etc), promote and fundraise for the Wayne Thomas School Learning Garden, located in the interior courtyard of the school building. The Learning Garden Committee, under the direction of the Learning Garden Chair, will lead classroom visits to the garden.
Learning Garden CHAIR - [FILLED] - Committee members needed
Description: Update the outdoor front entrance Marquee Letterboard each month to reflect important dates and reminders. The Marquee Chair will work closely with the PTO board to ensure all information is accurate. All materials will be supplied. No artistic skills necessary!
Marquee CHAIR - [FILLED]
Description: Coordinate all of Wayne Thomas PTO's Philanthropic partnerships including District 112 Day of Giving, Food Drives with Moraine Township, Book Drives, Fill-A-Heart for Kids, SALT and many more.
Desription: Coordinate with board-selected vendor to choose spirit wear and oversee the sale and distribution of spirit wear to the Wayne Thomas community. Committee members will assist chair with promotion, packaging and distribution.
Spirit Wear CHAIR - [FILLED] - Committee members needed
Description: Coordinate appreciation events throughout the year including holiday gifts, luncheons, staff gifts and occasional surprise deliveries (lunch, treats, etc), along with appreciation events each day during Teacher Appreciation Week in May.
Teacher Appreciation CHAIRS - [FILLED] - Committee members needed
Description: Assist in the layout, design and ordering of yearbook with our simple-to-use yearbook web editor TreeRing. Take photos as school events, coordinate photo collection from staff/parents and manage the purchases and distribution of the yearbooks at year end.
Yearbook CHAIR - [FILLED] - Committee members needed
Please let us know of any other skills or connections you may have to support the PTO and our wonderful school.