WT is Grateful to be Exemplary Day! (Pajama Day!)


We are so EXcited to celebrate our EXemplary designation on November 22! The day will be full of EXtra fun, including: EXtra Recess, EXtra Gratitude, an EXtra Special Banner Unveiling, and EXtra snack. There way even be some UnEXpected readers popping into classes! 

November 22 will also be a pajama day, because "Being EXemplary is EXhausting!"

The snack students will be receiving is plain popcorn from Highland Pop. Per the Highland Pop website, the popcorn is "...CRC kosher certified, non GMO, peanut free & gluten free." We have checked with Nurse Sarah to ensure the snack is safe for students with allergies. If you do not want your student to participate in EXtra snack, please email Jaclyn Wagner at jwagner@nssd112.org.

Friday, November 22, 2024